Standard Nine

Continuous improvement

Entities regularly review and improve implementation of their systems for keeping children and adults safe

9.1 The entity’s safeguarding practices for the protection of children and adults at risk are regularly reviewed.

9.1.1 The Safeguarding Implementation Plan outlines how safeguarding practices are monitored and reviewed, and how this information is reported.

9.1.2 The Church Authority monitors the implementation of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards and co-ordinates annual local self-assessment checks.

9.1.3 The Safeguarding Policy is subject to review at least every three years and outcomes of this review are documented.

9.2 Concerns and complaints are analysed to identify causes and systematic failures in safeguarding practices.

9.2.1 All individual incidents or complaints relating to safeguarding practices and/or failures are considered by the leadership to identify systemic issues or patterns and support continuous improvement.

9.3 The Church Authority reports on the findings of its safeguarding reviews.

9.3.1 The findings of relevant reviews of safeguarding policies, procedures, and practices are reported to stakeholders.

9.3.2 The findings of audits or reviews undertaken or validated by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd are made publicly available.

Find definitions of key terms used throughout the Standards in our glossary